
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Don't Deserve Grace

I look at my life and wonder why God has so much grace for someone like me. Every day I mess things us, reject Him in some way, and am  not thankful for the boundless grace He pours out on me. Yet He continues to cleanse me and forgive me. This life is a journey, a very long journey and as I walk along this narrow path He is there cleansing me and making me more like His wonderful self. He is helping me see the beauty of loving Him and loving others.
Below is a song that a dear friend sent me the other day. It is so powerful. I truly don't deserve God's grace. I have messed things us enough that He could just let me go and He could give His grace to someone else, but He doesn't just let me go. He holds onto me even when I'm tired and confused, He's still there all the time. Day by day He is teaching me that His grace is enough. I don't need the world's nod of approval. I need God's forgiveness and grace. Sometimes it's hard for me to wrap my little brain around the greatness of God's grace on sinners. When you really dig deep and think about it, suddenly it becomes so huge, so amazing, and so much bigger than what we can comprehend that it's easy to miss. But, I don't want to miss it. I want to be reminded each day of the incredible grace that God has poured out. I don't want to forget because I want to learn from His grace. I want to give grace with the Lord's help.
There are people out there who don't know the beauty and depths of His grace. They need it just as much as I do. That's why I can't afford to forget the grace poured out to me. Because if I forget God's grace, I won't be able to share it with others.

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