
Friday, June 21, 2013

Just A Happy Day

Today my beautiful, older, sister Leah got married. 
I am so thankful to the Lord for restoring my relationship with Leah. We did not always get along very well because we had this older-sibling rivalry when we were growing up, but as life has gone on and we have grown up, the Lord has helped us grow closer together. 
These are just a couple photos a took from their wedding.

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Samuels

And then when we got home from the wedding I went on facebook and saw this amazing picture of a cake from this blog: Confessions of a Cookaholic
So, Rachel and I constructed a cake, (from scratch I might add) which was delicious to say the least.
I also finished an incredible book today called "Gospel" by: J. D. Greear. It is one of the most life impacting books I have read in a long time. I would highly recommend it!!!
I hope y'all had a wonderful day savoring each moment that the Lord has given. Each day that I live I know that His mercies are new and His grace  is overabundant. 
Don't waste this beautiful life He has given!!!
And to finish off this post, here is a song that I can't get out of my head lately. It is so powerful!

1 comment:

Arielle Melody Bailey said...

Hi Kaila,

I found your blog the other day and have enjoyed reading it.

Your sister looks so beautiful and happy in these pictures!! Congratulations to her and her husband.

That cake looks delicious. Almonds are one of my favorite nuts.