
Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Will "Be Mine"?

Tomorrow is that classic hallmark holiday that you love when you're little, love when you're married, but during that in-between stage, you basically only celebrate it for the sake of others. On this day, many young ladies will sigh, and start to daydream about their Prince Charming, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Right or whoever he is. Discontentment will easily and quickly slide into their hearts, creeping up to their heads, leading them to believe that they are somehow less of a person because they do not have that special person to call their own. (Sorry guys, I have to use girls here because I have no idea how you feel about Valentines Day. :-)

I remember last Valentines Day being the first one that I acutely noticed my lack of a "valentine." Somehow, it never had bothered me until then. We talk about spinsters and being single for the rest of our days like it's a silly joke, but deep down inside many of us young ladies secretly fear such titles. The thought of "being alone" brings chills down many spines and many hours of useless worrying.

But really, what's the point of all this worry? All we do to ourselves by worrying on Valentines Day - or any day for that matter - is show that somehow Christ is not enough. Now, I don't know who all the perfect guy figures from novels and movies are. I only know of a few, and I made a mental comparison of them in my mind last night.

Mr. Darcy (whom I personally can't stand) was extremely wealthy and saved the Bennett family from disgrace.
Jesus Christ is the King of Heaven and earth and He gave His own life to save us from eternal damnation in hell.
Gilbert Blythe was a loyal friend and comrade.
Jesus Christ remains by our side through the dark and weary times as well as the times of joy. He is more faithful than any earthly being.
Edward Cullen is a vampire - I really don't know anything else about this guy.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Willie Lahaye was a manly, tough, hard working, cowboy husband.
Jesus Christ gave everything He could give on our behalf's. He fights for us and shelters us under His wings.

I know there's more, but do you see what I'm getting at? Jesus Christ is SO much more than all of these other fictional guys. He is the only One who can truly satisfy your heart whether you're married or not. So wouldn't it be better to spend Valentines Day, basking in the light of our Saviors love rather than dreaming of our special someone?

I think so.

Tomorrow, how about we singles focus on Christ. He's asking us, "Won't You Be Mine?" Are you going to reject that one?

1 comment:

beka said...

it's funny, because "all the perfect guy figures from novels and movies" have pretty much fallen away into ashes in my life. it's weird realizing we fall for those before we have "someone" in real life. the someone in real life is much better. real. human. encouraging. annoying. endearing. so many things, so much more full than my imaginings and reading of *any* sort of books ever prepared me for.
...i do believe i have a gilbert blythe :)

i wish valentines day was in the spring---all the blooming flowers would seem like "valentines" from him...but patience and perseverence will see us through :)

p.s. edward cullen [from jokes and mocking stuff online i've read] is a creepy stalker type who sparkles and looks dead. who needs that? :P